Becoming a Catholic


June 2017: Some of our RCIA group enjoying a restful and spiritual retreat at the Wisdom Centre in Romsey.
Easter Vigil 2017
Bishop Philip with our Candidates and Catechumen at the March 2017 Rite of Election.
Bishop Philip with some of our Journey of Faith group at March 2014 Rite of Election.
Becoming a Catholic



RCIA is a process that allows people to inquire into the Catholic faith in an open and non-exptectant manner.

Through weekly meetings with members of our community the participants explore their own beliefs and those of Catholicism through the Scriptures along with the traditions and special celebrations of the Church.

This investigation may lead to a desire to become a full member of the Catholic community.  Such a process may take months or years, there is no time limit other than the discernment of the individual.