Bracknell ClothesBank

in accordance with the government guidelines, we have decided to cancel the April 29th ClothesBank Giveaway.  This is to ensure the safety of both our clients and all you lovely volunteers.  We won’t be receiving donations either , until further notice, again for the safety of all involved. 
 We have contacted the agencies who distribute our vouchers to inform them of our decision to cancel the Giveaway and also to let them know that we will be able to offer emergency referrals where needed during these difficult times. Please do email  [email protected]  if you are aware of anyone that is in need of emergency clothing.

In the meantime, maybe this is a good opportunity for all of us to use some of this extra time we have at the moment to have a good sort through our wardrobes etc and sort clothes ready for, hopefully, the July Giveaway.  All into age, size and gender of course !! 

​There are men, women and children of all ages in our area in need of basic clothing and shoes that they just cannot afford.

The Clothes Bank Giveaway is held on a Wednesday morning every quarter in St Joseph’s Church Hall to give out seasonal clothes to those who need them via a voucher system and is coordinated by St Mark’s Church, Binfield.

Donations of clean, good quality used clothes for adults and children are requested in our parish newsletter just before each Giveaway event and donations are taken to St Mark’s, Binfield on the Monday morning prior to the Giveaway. Some clothes cannot be passed on though: pyjamas, underwear and socks for example need to be new and we would really appreciate any contributions of those especially for children of all ages. 

Help is always needed with the sorting of clothes into boxes on the Monday prior to the Giveaway at St Mark’s, with the setting up for the Clothes Bank in St Joseph’s  Church Hall on the Wednesday of the Giveaway and with the serving of refreshments during the Giveaway.
For more information or if you would like to volunteer as a helper at the Clothes Bank, please contact our Parish Office or Gisele at St Mark’s Binfield. email: [email protected]