
parish Safeguarding


Diocese of Portsmouth Safeguarding Mission Statement

  • We believe that each child or young person in our communities is created in God’s image to ‘have life in its fullness’ (John 10.10)
  • We are committed to promoting the fullest human, moral and spiritual development of each of them.
  • We will do everything we can to ensure that children, young people, and vulnerable adults in our care will be safe and free from harm or the threat of harm.
  • To this end all people within our communities will adhere to the guidelines and follow the policies and procedures in all activities, to ensure above all else, that the welfare of the children and young people is nurtured, upheld and protected.

For more information on Safeguarding, or if you have any concerns or questions, please contact the Safeguarding Team: Marion McGuire, Sarah Birch, Paula Read using the following details:

Phone: 07712 048695
[email protected]

Bracknell forest Safeguarding board

How to choose care, help and support for adults and children safely

  • The Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board wants children and vulnerable adults to be safe and secure and as part of this work has produced some leaflets that can support parents and/or carers when choosing services either for adults or for children.