James and John approach the Teacher. And the Teacher knows the best way to give the disciple a better understanding of their own heart is to ask them to reveal their desire(s).

As soon as Jesus hears their ‘desire’, He knows they don’t quite understand Him yet. They want it all and all Jesus has to offer is a cup of sorrow that becomes a saving cup. His invitation to a life lived in genuine loving service to others, of suffering for the sake of justice, and of losing in order to find, make it clear that death and resurrection are a package deal.

Spiritual and Social climbers tend to upset other spiritual and social climbers! The fantasy of being first has a tendency to make someone else feel they are the last. When life becomes a competition, someone looks higher than someone else. Those on top push around those beneath them. This is not the way of the new humanity which Jesus is bringing to birth.

Disciples touch their true greatness when their presence is gentle, healing, liberating, compassionate, loving and life giving – and through these activities, others are set free from what hurts, debases, imprisons and kills them.

The Buddha taught that for those who are overcome by ego, suffering spreads like wild grass. Those who overcome ego open a doorway to a larger, eternal world. As they go, their steps leave no trace.

The Golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”‘ holds good but looks easier than it is.

The invitation of the prophets – This is what God asks if you, that you act justly, that you love tenderly that you walk humbly – is even more of a challenge. But there is only one way to find out if what Jesus is saying is true and that’s to dive in and try the water. As a parish community, we are trying to embrace a more vibrant commitment to justice, peace and social responsibility, this Teaching supports us to take the next step together and not leave it for others.