What does Jesus mean when He says, “See that you are ‘dressed for action’ and have your lamps lit”. (Lk:12.35). To help us understand this, we need to turn to the story of the wise and foolish bridesmaids. You remember that their wisdom was celebrated because their lamps were lit! What does that mean and how does it work?

Quite simply it means that we speak and act in a way that inspires others. When they look at how we live, how we speak, and how we act, they are given a living pause for thought and the path is lit for the way they need to walk. It would be sad if, when they listened to the words we speak, or observed our life, they decided that we had nothing to offer or that we were hypocrites. Or, to put it a little more directly, Jesus had very severe words for those who extinguish the light of love in another person’s heart.

Now here’s the thing. The foolish ones are always rushing to the wise ones when it’s too late to ask for some of their oil. It’s too late because, the problem is, it can’t be given. I can’t turn to you on my deathbed and ask you to give me the value of the good that you have done. This is a serious warning from the Teacher. Today I have to decide that this is the right thing to do and do it.

I love the image of God as Bridegroom but I’m a little more curious when I think of God as a burglar. You may remember that I had a visit from one of these shortly after I arrived in Bracknell. It’s not a pleasant experience. But it was, in one sense, my own fault because I went out and left my window open.

Jesus says that The Son of Man is coming, like a burglar, at an hour we do not expect. Wouldn’t it be great if we were ready, welcoming Him with the words, I’ve been waiting for you, Light of the World. And more to the point, I have been doing what you asked of me. I shine bright and clear as a sign of Your Love for others.

Now look what happens. “I tell you solemnly, He will put on an apron, sit them down at table and wait on them.” That’s worth consideration!