Bereavement Support

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

Mat 5:4



We are here to do everything we can to provide love, support and prayers to individuals and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one.
We acknowledge that the journey of bereavement can start before our loved ones die and we aim to offer love and support at this point also if needed.


One of the greatest acts of mercy is to comfort the bereaved and those close to death. If you feel you have it in your heart to help those in our Parish during their greatest moment of need, please contact the Parish office and register your interest.

A Special Mass is celebrated in November, to remember all who have died and those bereaved.

 Tea and cake will be served in the Hall afterwards.

What to do when a someone is seriously ill

In an emergency please notify the Parish. It is important that the sick person be able to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing. When one is near death, Viaticum (Eucharist) is offered. All sacraments are for the living and are to be administered when one has the capacity to receive the strength and blessing they offer


What to do when someone dies.

When someone dies please notify the Priest as soon as you are able (01344 425729), so that the he may have the opportunity to meet with the family of the deceased and begin making arrangements for the funeral. It is imperative that you contact him first rather than the Bereavement Group directly.

When someone dies it is often a time of great sadness, mourning and reflection but as Christians we must also remember to rejoice that the Lord Jesus Christ has won a great victory over death and made it possible for us to pass through to new and eternal life.

This period can also be a busy time when arrangements have to be made and friends and relatives notified. So it is the intention of the Bereavement Group in these few related web pages, to help you with some information which you may find helpful

There is also a booklet of “Guidelines for funerals” published by the diocese of Portsmouth, which contains suggested readings for the Mass, a list of resources and an outline for the Requiem Mass.


Support in a home or parish setting in the lead up to or following bereavement.

Special Masses for the Deceased
Special Masses which we hope will be of comfort and support to those who have had a loved one die will be celebrated.

November: ALL SOULS DAY: Masses will be celebrated followed by blessing of graves. The names of those who have died in the past year can be registered in a book at the back of the church.


Quarterly: Social groups for the support of those suffering loneliness after bereavement…